I have submitted following additional supporting documents (Please upload Maximum file Size 3.5 MB)
(e.g. Corporate appointment letter confirming position and nomination as Corporate Nominee, Copy of Birth Certificate, Letter from Bangladesh High Commission certifying nationality etc.)
Your Company's Nature of Business:
(if it is exactly as per ACRA Bizfile record then state "As Per ACRA"))
Declaration by the applicant: (For Corporate membership - person applying on behalf of the company)
I confirm that I was given a copy of the constitution of the Chamber and I have read and understood its contents.
pI further declare that the information given in this application are correct and if accepted as member I shall abide by the constitution of the Chamber.
Date : 2025-01-22 05:01:01
Others Information :
- All cheques to be made payable to : Bangladesh Business Chamber of Singapore (in short BDCHAM)
- BDCham Bank details : UOB Current A/C No. 373-302-710-8 Bank Code : 7375 Branch Code : 050
- To obtain receipts issued by BDCham Treasurer for all Cash payments
- Payments made directly through ATM, Online internet or at bank counter an acceptable proof to be submitted
- BDCham MC does not take responsibilities for payments to wrong accounts
- Notification of change of address, contact number/s, email ID is the responsibility of the member
- An incomplete application form without sufficient supporting documents may not be processed
- BDCham may request for additional supporting documents and/or original copies